Backyard Gardening Series: Fruits & Vegetables A thru B

Learn to plant and select vegetables & fruit trees at appropriate time of the season and how to combine plants for better yield, insect control, saving space, and more!

This month’s special – beginning with A & B

Asparagus Bananas
Apples Bush Beans
Artichokes Beets
Almonds Black Berries
Avocados Black-Eyed Beans
Apricots Broccoli

Registration fee is $10 at the door. Open to Public on July 17, 2012, Tuesday, from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm at the Texas AgriLife Extension Office, 3355 Cherry Ridge, Suite 208, San Antonio, TX 78230. RSVP to Angel Torres at 210 467-6575 no later than July 16th. See our Backyard Gardening Series A-B Flyer.

Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend meeting and who may need auxiliary aid, service or accommodation must contact the Bexar County Office at (210) 467-6575 five days prior to the event so that appropriate arrangements can be made.

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