Tag Archives: fruit trees

Growing Backyard Fruit Trees

January 26 (Saturday) will be Growing Backyard Fruit Trees, 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., at The Garden Center (10682 Bandera Rd, San Antonio).  Bexar County Extension Agent-Horticulture David Rodriguez will present everything you need to know about growing fruit trees in your own backyard!  This program is FREE and no RSVP is required.

Growing a Family Home Orchard

January 12 (Saturday) will be Growing a Family Home Orchard, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon, at Milberger’s Landscaping & Nursery (3920 North Loop 1604 East, San Antonio).  David Rodriguez, Bexar County Extension Agent-Horticulture, will discuss the how and why of establishing your own home fruit orchard.  The session is FREE and no RSVP is required.

Backyard Basics Expo

Mark your calendars for the Backyard Basics Expo!  This event will be held at the San Antonio Garden Center (3310 N. New Braunfels, San Antonio) from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.  This year’s Expo will feature educational sessions covering topics such as backyard chickens, making jerky, cuts of beef, growing fruit trees, drip irrigation, vegetable gardening, beekeeping and pollinators, and making salsa!  Cost is $20 (adults & youth age 11+); $25 after August 1.  Children age 10 and under are FREE.  Online registration is required.

Home Fruit Seminar

Home Fruit Seminar will be held Wednesday, January 25, 7:00-8:30 p.m., at Blue Star Brewing Company (1414 S. Alamo St., Ste. #205)