May 26 2007 Timely Tips




May 26, 2007


  • If you have not yet applied fertilizer to the lawn, late May is a good month to fertilize lawn grasses after the lawn grass has been mowed at least two to three times (of course with sharp blades). Slow release fertilizers are best because they feed throughout the growing season and do not leach (wash) into the ground water. Consider a 3-1-2 synthetic analysis, such as a 19-5-9 or if an organic formulation is preferred apply a 7-2-2 or 4-2-3 analysis.
  • If your lawn grass type has yellowing leaves with darker green veins, it may signal symptoms of an iron deficiency, which is common in our alkaline soils. Apply Texas green sand that contains 17% Iron, at a rate of 10-20 pounds per 1000 square feet.
  • When fertilizing your lawn grass, use a fertilizer spreader to get even distribution and use settings recommended on the fertilizer bag.
  • Do not bag your lawn clippings. This is free fertilizer when the grass blades breakdown back into the soil. At any given time, only remove 1/3 of the existing canopy of your turf grass type. If thatch becomes an issue, do make an exception on catching the grass clippings, but let them dry out and proceed by incorporating with other rich and diverse organic products into a compost heap. Certain soil activators and top-dressing occasionally with rich compost will help encourage a positive micro-organism population which will help long-term in breaking down thatch abundances.
  • Caladium corms are planted now. Caladiums prefer a loose, well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter. They thrive in shade with dappled light, and their colors of green-white, green-pink or green-red fit into almost any landscape.

David Rodriguez is County Extension Agent-Horticulture with Texas Cooperative Extension in Bexar County. For more information, call the Master Gardener “Hotline” (210) 467-6575 or visit our County Extension website at

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