County Roundup

4H CloverOur local County Roundup contest gives memebers an opportunity to practice their Educational Presentations, Public Speaking, and Share-the-Fun entries before competing at District. This an excellent event for teams & individuals. If you are interested in participating, please reference the rules and guidelines outlined below.

Educational Presentation Guidelines:

Individual or Teams of 2
Contest Guidelines and Categories

TOPIC SUBJECT: Subjects in the Educational Presentations should address emerging or current issues in each of the contest areas. Some contests provide a suggested list of topics that the Educational Presentation talk can cover along with a resource list. Senior contestants are encouraged to research these emerging and/or current areas to develop current and new presentations.

ACCURACY OF INFORMATION/RESOURCES: With the computer and internet being used heavily in Educational Presentations, 4-H members must know the difference between research and non-research based information. Contestants are required to use information that is factual and can be supported through adequate documentation. Examples of such websites are federal, state, and local governments, independent research sites, and Texas AgriLife Extension Service websites. Internet information that is questionable includes personal documentation sites, chat rooms, message boards, etc. 4-H members should prepare a list of references (i.e. bibliography, works cited) for their presentation.

SUBJECT MATTER: The skills and knowledge used in any 4-H contest should be the result of experiences in a project in which the member has participated. A presentation should relate to the contest entered, should contain current information, and should not be better suited for another contest. It should also be appropriate for the member’s age and experience. Appropriate credit should be given for references used.

TIME LIMITS: A time limit of 12 minutes will be allowed for each Educational Presentation. An additional nine (9) minutes will be provided for on-stage arrangements and cleanup in connection with the presentation. A penalty of two points per minute or partial minute overtime will be deducted from the final score.

VISUALS: The use of charts, photographs, computer graphics/programs, and other visual materials are permitted. Visuals should contribute to the presentation. Each presentation is an example of the participant’s ability to communicate an idea.

JUDGES’ QUESTIONS: Judges and/or Superintendents may ask contestants’ questions at the end of their presentation. This will be done on the judge’s time. Only official judges and superintendents may ask questions of the contestants.

JUDGES GIFTS/HANDOUTS: Gifts (of any kind) may not be presented to the judges in any contest. Handouts may be made available to the entire audience.

VIDEO, AUDIO, AND DISPLAY EQUIPMENT: The State 4-H Program and/or superintendents will be providing laptops, screens, extension cords and projectors. Youth should have all presentations in some form of Microsoft Office 2003 (PowerPoint, Word, or Excel.) All fonts used should be true type; these specifically include Arial and Times New Roman. If youth decide to use any other program or fonts youth will be responsible for bringing all equipment that is compatible with their presentation.

Public Speaking Guidelines:

Individual Contest only.

TOPIC SUBJECT: Topics should relate to current events, youth issues, or other topics related to youth.  The presentation should serve to persuade others regarding a particular issue or concern.

TIME LIMITS: Individuals will present a 5-to-7 minute talk suitable as a platform speech or radio broadcast.

VISUALS: Props and visual aids are not permitted and recordings of any type may not be used.

JUDGES’ QUESTIONS: Contestants should be prepared to answer questions concerning the subject matter of their presentation.

JUDGES GIFTS/HANDOUTS: Gifts (of any kind) may not be presented to the judges in any contest.

VIDEO, AUDIO, AND DISPLAY EQUIPMENT: Props and visual aids are not permitted and recordings of any type may not be used.

Share-The-Fun Guidelines:

Individual or Teams (2-9)
Contest Category Descriptions

then change songs between District and State. Acts may fine-tune performances based on critiques from county and district judging, but changing material completely is prohibited.

PROPS: Props utilized must be able to go through doors that are 6 ft. wide and 7 ft. tall. Each entry will be allowed to bring props that will be able to be stored in a space that is 3 ft. X 8 ft. If you advance to State regulations for props must be followed. Space at the state contest is LIMITED!

PROHIBITED MATERIALS: The following materials may not be used in any category: talcum powder/baby powder, flour, pies, food, water, oil, feathers, flower petals, hay, straw, helium balloons, glitter, sand, confetti, or other substances which are hard to clean up, may cause damage, or be dangerous to participants. No roller skates, shoes with spikes, cleats, motorized vehicles, live animals or real fire arms will be allowed.

RECORDED MUSIC: Participants take risk with technical difficulties by using music on CD that has been recorded from another source. The sound systems in contest rooms are of high quality and may not play some types of files. If there are technical difficulties with your music because it will not play properly on the in-house system, participants should be prepared with a backup CD player. Only ONE CHANCE to change out equipment will be allowed. If CD skips because of scratches, the performance will not be started over. Any other technical difficulties with in-house equipment will be addressed on an individual basis as seen fit by theater staff and/or the contest Superintendent. Please note at Texas 4-H Roundup a CD is preferred over an iPod/mp3 player. The CD should be burned as a CD, not as an .mp3 or .wav file.

TIME LIMITS: Time limits for all categories will be strictly enforced. All categories have a time limit of six (6) minutes for presentation and four (4) minutes for set-up and break down, for a total of ten (10) minutes per act. A penalty of five (5) points per minute or part of a minute over the time limits allowed will be deducted from the total score.

ADULT ASSISTANCE – SET-UP: Only adult coaches and/or agents will be allowed back stage, in the vicinity of the storage area of props, and to assist the 4-H members with set-up and break down of props and equipment. 4-H members or other youth who are not a part of the team will not be allowed to assist with set-up or take down.

ADULT ASSISTANCE – PERFORMANCE: During a performance adult coaches may give cues for music at the sound booth or back stage and help with costume/prop changes back stage. They are NOT allowed to participate in any other form in the act while the act is going on. Any voices heard during the performance from back stage must be either a participant OR a recorded voice.

ACCOMPANIST: NO Accompanist will be permitted for any category. If music is required, it must be on a CD, iPod, or other mp3 player or performed by the contestant. See Category Descriptions for specific rules for each category.

RECORDING & PHOTOS: No flash photography or videotaping will be permitted in any contest category. NO EXCEPTIONS. This includes photography and video taping of your own county entry.

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