November 17, 2007
- Pick up pecans as soon as possible after they fall to the ground and before the squirrels beat you to them. Damp nuts with limited mold can be dried in the oven.
- Plant ‘Texas Gold’ Columbine at this time to make a good groundcover under a deciduous tree, such as a Texas Red Oak to enjoy unique beautiful gold flowers next spring.
- Goldfinches are back. They are less colorful in their winter’s garb, but still interesting. Clean and fill thistle feeders for their benefit.
- Be ready to move the cold sensitive tropical plants such as bougainvilleas, hibiscus, plumeria, purple fountain grass, citrus, mandevilla and other tender plants into the greenhouse or garage at the first cold weather. Plant for ventilation as it can get pretty warm in San Antonio in November.
- Prepare your Satsuma orange shelters so that you can move fast if we get a freeze prediction. Do not get complacent; it will get cold again one day. Have you eaten the fruit from the Satsuma, they are great! Consider this plant for a wonderful Christmas gift.
- Feed citrus or any cold-sensitive plants this month but not much later. A later application of fertilizer would encourage new growth flushes, which could easily freeze with only a light frost. One application of a 4-2-3 or 6-2-4 analysis is plenty ’til spring and not so risky. About two to three pounds of fertilizer, per every three feet of height thoroughly watered in, is sufficient.
David Rodriguez is County Extension Agent-Horticulture with Texas Cooperative Extension in Bexar County. For more information, call the Master Gardener “Hotline” (210) 467-6575 or visit our County Extension website at