When you pass your examination with a grade of 70 or higher, you can submit for a Private Applicator License to be used on agricultural lands. To maintain your license and keep it current, you will need to earn 15 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) within a five year period. If you are not able to earn your 15 CEUs within a five year period, your license will not be renewed. This license cannot be used for commercial, governmental, or for-hire applicators. Some landscape professionals must obtain a license from the Texas Structural Pest Control Board.
Total Cost: $50 (includes registration fee and materials)
The study manuals can be purchased in advance from the Extension Office. Make check/money order payable to “Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service”.
There will be additional fees associated with applying for a license and for online testing.
Call (210) 631-0400 and ask for Chris Lambert.