Dog agility classes will be open to all dogs older than 8 months. What is Agility? Running a dog in an agility trial is the ultimate game for you and your dog and is one of the most exciting canine sports for spectators! In an agility trial, a dog demonstrates its agile nature and versatility by following cues from the handler through a timed obstacle course of jumps, tunnels, weave poles and other objects.
These classes will meet in Schertz every Tuesday and continue through June from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Classes are a one time fee of $30 to cover the cost of the electricity for the 4-H year. Any size or breed of dog can participate in agility. No minimum/maximum age on the handler. For meeting location and information please call Karen Dahle at 210-383-7811 after 6 pm during the week or anytime on the weekend.