Learn from entomologist Molly Keck about beneficial insects, harmful insects, and get the facts about the Asian Giant Hornet (AGH, also known as the Murder Hornet) currently being seen in Washington State. These hornets are native to temperate and tropical Eastern Asia and are 1.5-2″ long (world’s largest hornet) with black and dull yellow/orange striped abdomen, according to Washington State University. AGH creates nests in the ground taking advantage of existing structures such as hollow trees or rodent tunnels. They aggressively attack honeybees and a small group of them can destroy an entire colony, and as such are a serious concern for beehives and native pollinators. AGH can be confused with other species in the same genus so positive identification is needed to confirm their presence. Molly will let us know her thoughts on AGH and Texas. Read more about AGH here.
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