November 24 2007 Timely Tips




November 24, 2007


  • For the largest and sweetest onions in about 100 to 120 days, start planting onion bunches now through January. The best short-day length varieties include 1015 Y, Yellow Granex and White Contessa. White Contessa is like a white version of the 1015Y onion. If a red variety is preferred, consider Southern Belle. Planted at the right time and given proper moisture and fertility, they should produce the largest and sweetest bulbs like those you find in the grocery store.
  • Elbon/ Cereal rye grass should be planted in areas of the vegetable garden that are not being utilized throughout late fall and winter. This will minimize weed infestations, soil erosion and most importantly will act as great green manure crop that is trapping any bad garden nematodes.
  • Get those spring-flowering bulbs in the ground. Be careful not to over water color plants during the winter. Check the soil with your finger, if it is dry down to about one inch, water carefully by hand. You can still plant pansies and cyclamen.
  • For a great long lasting Holiday Christmas tree, consider a Frazier fir. To keep it fresher longer, make a fresh flush cut two inches from the bottom and place its bottom in four-to-six inches in water over night for the tree to imbibe water before placing it into a large enough tree stand. Always keep the tree stand filled no more then half way full with a fresh supply of water. Never scrape the side of the trunk of the tree, this will minimize fresh water uptake.

David Rodriguez is County Extension Agent-Horticulture with Texas Cooperative Extension in Bexar County. For more information, call the Master Gardener “Hotline” (210) 467-6575 or visit our County Extension website at

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