February 17 2007 Timely Tips




February 17, 2007

Mid-February is the time to reinstate your fungicide and insecticide spraying program for your roses. For low maintenance roses, consider planting Belinda’s Dream, Knock Out or Grandma’s Old Yellow at this time.

Check the mulch around your roses and replace if necessary with organic living hardwood mulch and feed with a 4-2-3 fertilizer analysis at a rate of one pound per every two feet of plant height.

Repot houseplants that have been in their pots two years or more or those that have become root bound. Fertilize plants every 4-6 weeks with a water soluble 6-12-6 analysis. If using new clay pots, soak them for an hour in water before planting in them.

It’s time to put in the early plantings in your vegetable garden: cucumbers, lettuce, lima beans, muskmelons, mustard, snap beans, squash, sweet corn and watermelon. For a recommended listing of spring and specialty vegetables for this area visit the Bexar County Horticulture web at: http://bexar-tx.tamu.edu/HomeHort/F4Best/nspringveg.htm or call the Extension office at 467-6575.

Finish planting trees, shrubs, blackberries, fruit and nut trees and roses this month so they can get established before the growing season begins. For a complete listing of recommended plants for this area visit the Bexar County Horticulture web at: http://bexar-tx.tamu.edu/HomeHort/F4Best/BexarBestindex.htm or call the Extension office at 467-6575.


David Rodriguez is County Extension Agent-Horticulture with Texas Cooperative Extension in Bexar County. For more information, call the Master Gardener “Hotline” (210) 467-6575 or visit our County Extension website at http://bexar-tx.tamu.edu

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