
Calf Scramble

During each rodeo performance at the stock show, you see  a bunch of kids in the arena trying to catch a calf; this is called “Calf Scramble”.  If you are 12 years old (by August 31, 2017) and will not be past your junior year in high school, you are eligible to participate in the calf scramble.  If selected to scramble, you will attend a rodeo performance and attempt to catch a wild calf.  If you catch a calf, you will receive a certificate to purchase an animal... Read More →

Bexar County Open Qualifying Horse Show

This show is open to any adults and youth, you do not need to be enrolled in 4-H.  All events are Saturday, Nov. 4th at the Country Church, 1005 FM 78, Marion 78124.  Check in begins at 8:30 a.m.   Entry form  is available here.  Bexar County 4-H members that want to be eligible for the end of the year horse awards are required to attend 1 of the 3 4-H Qualifying Horse Shows.  Other show dates will be Saturday, Mar. 24th.